Criticism of large zone 30 in Roeselare

Criticism of large zone 30 in Roeselare

Between 6 and 7 am tomorrow morning, 84 traffic signs will be visible announcing the large zone 30. From that moment on, you are not allowed to drive faster than 30 kilometers per hour in almost the entire center of Roeselare. It should ensure safer traffic, especially for cyclists and pedestrians. According to opposition party N-VA, it is an ill-considered decision and, moreover, the zone is too large.

“Choose dynamic boards”

The party advocates dynamic traffic signs so that zone 30 only applies during the day or at events. Alderman for Mobility Stefaan Van Coillie is surprised by the criticism: “We chose that zone for clarity and uniformity. The large zone 30 is also a general trend in central cities.” Replacing the 84 static signs with digital variants would not be budgetary, according to the city.

According to Roeselare, it is logical that drivers will need some time to get used to the new maximum speed. That is why it will not immediately issue fines. During checks, the police will issue a warning for the time being.
