Criticism of GL MP after ‘trauma’ by Fortuyn | Inland

Bouchallikht, seven years old during the murder of Fortuyn, responds to a message from Speaker Vera Bergkamp of the House of Representatives in which she states that Fortuyn ‘stealed the hearts of many’. “I had to stop watching that series about him because it brought back trauma,” writes the GL Member of Parliament. „Fortuyn indeed managed to steal hearts. The question is from whom. Nothing but good about the dead? Erm, nope, thnx. Bye.”

That message has come at her with strong criticism. “What a dirty tweet from this GroenLinks MP on the death anniversary of Pim Fortuyn,” writes PVV leader Wilders. “She is the disgrace of our parliament by dancing so disrespectfully on the grave of Pim Fortuyn. Disgusting.”

In particular, her claim to have suffered a trauma as a 7-year-old causes critical reactions. “As a toddler already suffered a trauma due to right-wing vandalism!” senator Theo Hiddema sneered. “That yields unsurpassed benefits within the circle of left-wing like-minded people. The competition can never compete with such obvious victimization and guarantees a long career in politics.”

Member of Parliament Caroline van der Plas also expresses her surprise. “The option “I will say nothing today, if only out of respect for the relatives” was from Kauthar?”
