Criticism of environmental service RUD is growing again: ‘Rudderless ship’

Several municipalities are again critical of the Drenthe Regional Implementation Service (RUD). The RUD was established in 2014 to carry out environmental tasks for the twelve Drenthe municipalities and province. They also form the general board of the RUD.

The RUD sent a letter to all councils of the municipalities and provincial executive of Drenthe to report, among other things, that it needs 1.6 million euros for the implementation of the Environmental Act, which is to take effect on 1 January. The RUD also says it needs 400,000 euros for this year for incidental investments due to the arrival of the Environment Act, which entails new tasks.

The reason given by the RUD in the letter is that national studies show that the introduction of the Environment and Planning Act will lead to a cost increase of at least 7 to 12 percent. The RUD is asking for an extra 7 percent for 2024, so that the personnel formation can be put in order. The organization also wants to recruit extra staff this year.

Several municipalities were and are again critical of the RUD. At the end of 2017, the organization ran into financial and organizational problems. There were financial shortfalls, high absenteeism due to illness and partly dissatisfied staff. Various municipal councils demanded improvement measures and reports. In the end, the RUD succeeded in making adjustments and carrying out the work within the available budgets. However, concerns remain about staffing and finances.

Once again the criticism of the RUD is growing. The municipal councils of Borger-Odoorn, Coevorden, Assen, Aa en Hunze, Tynaarlo and Noordenveld, among others, will submit an opinion regarding the additional requested budget and do not want to agree to it. The various colleges are also calling on the councils to do so. “The 7 percent extra requested budget was added at the very last minute,” write the four northernmost municipalities of the province. Members of an intermunicipal council working group advise the councils to submit an opinion advising against agreeing to the extra budget for next year.

“The 7 percent is a significant increase that the residents of Drenthe have to pay,” says Bert Homan of the Asser VVD. “It has been a ball at the RUD for years. People now suddenly want 7 percent extra money, without good substantiation. Their own organization is not even in order yet.” City party PLOP also joins this.

D66 from Assen does not support the view: “The Environment Act will ask more of the RUD in the future. But better late than not asked. The RUD should have enough money to have performed their tasks sufficiently and well,” says Adinda Bornkamp.

Municipal interests Borger-Odoorn believes that the RUD does not take its duties seriously. “Looking at what we’re getting from the RUD this year, I see a rudderless ship. A ship that doesn’t know what’s coming and doesn’t focus enough on the future.” The party calls on the municipalities and province to send a strong signal to the RUD.

Rabbe Vedder of Municipal Interests in the neighboring municipality does not consider the call in the letter from Municipal Interests Borger-Odoorn to be the correct method. “I prefer to do this through a conversation,” he says. However, his party is also critical of the extra budget that is being requested. “The municipalities feel a bit cheated.” The RUD is said to have promised the municipalities for years that the introduction of the environmental law would not cost anything extra.

In the coming period, this item will be on the agendas of the municipal councils, which will then discuss the RUD’s budget for next year. The daily board of the RUD is obliged to respond to the views. The RUD must present its adopted budget for next year to The Hague by 15 September at the latest.
