Critical Infrastructure Protection Act is taking shape

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – In the future, operators of facilities of the so-called critical infrastructure will be legally obliged to ensure the resilience of their systems and to submit corresponding risk assessments. This applies to both state institutions and private companies of a certain size. The draft for the so-called KRITIS umbrella law, which Federal Ministry of the Interior sent to the other government departments for comments on Monday, also provides for fines for operators of critical infrastructure who do not meet their obligations or do not meet them on time.

The Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) in Bonn is intended to play a central role in registration and advice. Critical infrastructure within the meaning of the law includes eleven sectors: energy, transport and traffic, finance and insurance, public administration, health, nutrition, drinking water, waste water, municipal waste disposal, information technology, telecommunications and space. The new law supplements existing regulations such as the Drinking Water Ordinance or certain DIN standards.

It makes general, but no specific, specifications on specific issues such as preventing access by strangers to KRITIS systems such as airports or waterworks. For example, the operators can decide for themselves whether they prefer fences and walls or security guards./abc/DP/jha
