Cristina Scuccia, former Sister Cristina, on the Island of the Famous 2023

dto the convent to TV, from the veil to the adventures in Honduras. The life of Cristina Scuccia, former Sister Cristina, it has totally changed. We met her in the dress a The Voice of Italy. Then, last November, he revealed that he had abandoned consecrated life to follow the path of music. Now, his name pops up in the probable cast of the new edition de LIsland of the famous. So, does the ex-nun’s new life start with a reality TV show?

Sister Cristina and the farewell to the veil

TV show host Very true, Cristina Scuccia told Silvia Toffanin how her life has changed after the triumph of The Voice of Italy and after becoming a well-known voice of Italian music. Today she is no longer Sister Cristina but simply Cristina, she lives in Spain and works as a waitress. He left religious life while not abandoning his path of faith. “If I look back, I look at my journey with a deep sense of gratitude,” she said. «Change is a sign of evolution but it’s always scary because it’s easier to anchor yourself to your own certainties rather than questioning yourself. Is there a right or wrong? I believe that with courage one should only listen to one’s heart!».

atIsland of the famous 2023

Cristina Scuccia before and after the veil (Ansa)

Now the TV doors could reopen for the ex nun. According to reports from tvblogin fact, she could be one of the competitors of the 17th edition of de The Island of the famous. The conditional, however, is still a must since there are still no confirmations on the official cast by the Mediaset broadcast or by the person concerned. Certainly, since the name of Cristina Scuccia appeared among the probable competitors, the news has been around the web.

The other news on the new edition

TvBlog has also anticipated other news on the reality show. It will be hosted by Ilary Blasi in prime time from 17 April. Among the pundits appear the names of Enrico Papi and Vladimir Luxuria. Among the competitors, however, in addition to Cristina Scuccia, there could be Pamela Camassa, Alessandro Cecchi Paone and compago Simone Antolini.

