Cristina Marino daughter of Roberto Verino

07/31/2022 at 21:01


The businesswoman had taken the reins of the company founded by her father in October 2021, a firm of which the designer is still creative director

Cristina Mariño brand director of Roberto Verino and daughter of this businessman from Ourense, passed away today at 52 years of age, after losing the battle against cancer which had been discussed for a long time and that, according to sources close to the family,e irreversibly complicated in recent weeks.

The news, which created consternation in the region of Verín from which the family is born and in which Roberto Verino continues to have his workshop, has had an impact on the world of fashion and society in general, and is hardly produced a few months after Cristina, the designer’s eldest daughter, took over the management of the brand, in which she had been working since her youth as she herself declared: “I was already working in a Verino store in Madrid, while I was doing my studies”.

The sad news occurs the same year as the Roberto Verino firm, in which the designer continues to work as creative director, celebrates its 40 years in the market and after consolidating the expansion of its brand in all continents.

This news casts a shadow over the brand during a year of celebrations for the family, because in June of this year, businessman and designer Roberto Verino experienced another significant moment in his career with his entry as full academician of the Imax Arts section of the Galician Academy of Fine Arts, Act that was held in the Auditorium of the Ourense municipality of Verín.
