Cristina Kirchner wants Martín Redrado in the Central, but he wants Economy

During the weekend, Serge Massa called a meeting of economists to analyze proposals that allow the government to get out of the current crisis. There were the former president of the Central Bank, Martin Redrado; the Vice President of BICE and former Minister of Economy, Miguel Peirano; the director of the Indec, Marco Lavagna; the partners of the Equilibra studio, Diego Bossio and Martín Rapetti; and Lisandro Cleri, deputy director of Sustainability at Anses.

“It was a first meeting with economists close to us but not from space. Then another one will come with the referents of the Renovating Front. idea is power make a clean pass to bring a plan closer to Alberto Fernández, in consensus with Cristina Kirchner”, they recognize in massismo.

The president of the Chamber of Deputies aspires to be able to become a super minister who controls the economy and production, two ministries that today Albertism controls with Martin Guzman and Matias Kulfasto whom the Christianity seeks to remove since a time ago.

The president is not willing to give up that space, which would be equivalent to his surrender. But he could remove Miguel Angel Pesce of the Central Bank, with which Guzmán has had his disagreements, and to which Kulfas points to the lack of dollars that paralyzes production.

To Martin Redrado Cristina Fernandez asks for it to go to the Central Bank but he wants the Ministry (of Economy), and she is not going to send it. In the Central you need someone who manages a more center-right scheme, or a little more liberal than the rest of the economy to balance the scales a bit. Cristina focuses him to a place where he is already battle-tested. But in Economy, she wants another profile ”, they recognize again in the massismo.

“If you do things properly, from now on, and do not continue with the increase in rates and fuel, you should be between 53 and 58% annual inflation. But if you continue with the increases you will reach 80% annual inflation. The lack of budget does not help us either. It takes a bit of order”, they add.

Martin Guzman had a time when it was preferable go through the big door having solved the external problems… But instead he began to grope like a blind man to see what we could do internally. If we are going to continue giving bonuses so that inflation does not reach people, we will end up spiraling inflation and this means that almost 500,000 people fall into poverty. There will come a time when you will need 200,000 pesos per month before the end of the year so as not to be poor, which is impossible”, they get angry in the Renovating Front with the Minister of Economy.

Own Martin Redrado acknowledged: “There is a timely dialogue on some questions, particular topics of interest, but as there is with all leaders. Today opposition leaders ask me for dialogue, legislators, governor, mayors. We economists have to be above the crack proposing concrete, practical solutions, such as for the problem of inflation and lack of growth”.

The economist does not close the flirting with other political spaces, and it is not ruled out that he could be part of the team of Horacio Rodriguez Larreta. But once again, the former Central insists on being a minister.

“In this quarter, where the Central should be accumulating reserves, because Argentina has a great opportunity for bad reasons, the Russian invasion of Ukraine gives us a trail of prices for what Argentina produces that is higher and higher, the field has sold 11.2 billion dollars to the Central Bank in these four and a half months ; is 14% more than what was settled last year,” Redrado remarked this week in dialogue with Fontevecchia mode.

And he finally targeted Guzmán, “policies are bad, the results are bad. Let’s take any indicator, inflation, poverty, problems of inequality, income distribution, exports that only grow by price… New markets are not being opened. The economy is rebounding… but for the economy to grow you should have a policy that encourages consumption, investment, with tax and credit incentives and that increases exports with an international integration policy that Argentina does not have,” he concluded. Redrado.

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