Cristina Kirchner did it: 43.8% believe that she is to blame for the internal crisis of the Government

The brand new work belongs to the consultancy Giacobbe & Associates and survey of 2,500 cases throughout the country. It yields a resounding result: a large majority, 43.8 percent of those consulted, agree that the vice president Cristina Kirchner is largely responsible for the internal crisis that the Frente de Todos is going through, which has been intensifying since Congress, at the request of Albert Fernandez, approved the agreement with International Monetary Funda measure to which CFK, the Patria Institute and La Cámpora they openly opposed.

According to the poll, the most voted option when looking for a culprit of the break in the ruling collation was this: “The person in charge is Cristina Kirchner, who wants to handle Alberto”. On the other hand, 21.9 percent leaned towards another answer: “The person responsible is Alberto Fernández, who is governing badly.” 19 percent chose this option: “Alberto and Cristina have differences of opinion, but it is not important”. Meanwhile, 14.9 percent voted for this conspiratorial interpretation: “The fight between Alberto and Cristina does not exist, it is a fiction.” And 0.4 percent do not know or do not answer.

The responsibility of CFK in the crisis of the ruling party coincides with the reading made from the Casa Rosada, where Albertism complains about the lack of accompaniment of the vice president in key measures such as the agreement with the IMF, and for her recurring public insults to the president, in the form of letters, videos and also speeches from the tribune.

The break of front of allwhich in terms of forms has not been completely consummated, had a new chapter at this time, when the influential camporista leader Andrés “El Cuervo” Larroque expressed that “the Government is ours”, and that Alberto “is not going to take him to the bedside table.” The President’s response came immediately: “Nobody owns the Government, the Government belongs to the people.”

The crisis in the ruling party does not yield.

by RN

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