Cristina Chiabotto pregnant again: expecting her second child

IS a moment of great happiness for Cristina Chiabotto. And Easter for her, this year, had a very special flavor. Because it was her first Easter celebrated together with Luce di lei, her little girl born on May 7 last year from her love with her husband Marco Roscio. But also the first party from almost mom bis. Cristina, in fact, is expecting her second child.

Cristina Chiabotto and the special Easter announcement: she is pregnant again

«I experienced a special Easter with the people I love and for this I feel full of gratitude. Happy rebirth to everyone, today and always »wrote the former beauty queen on Instagram, where she appears next to a large Easter egg.

In the meantime, here I am returning to you, after two wonderful days with the family, with the most beautiful surprise I could wish for, life” he added. Thus giving the announcement to her followers.

“Soon we will be 4”

I am excited to tell you that soon we will be 4 + our Paper»Revealed Cristina.

In the shared image, in fact, little Luce places her little hands on her mother’s belly, as if wanting to caress the incoming brother or sister. “We couldn’t be happier and happier for this sweet wait and so I look up at the sky thankful for all the wonders of my life. With love. Mum, dad and Luce “concluded the new mum.

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Mothers over 40: from Naomi Campbell to Gianna Nannini, motherhood after doors

Less than a year ago the birth of Luce

Cristina Chiabotto

Portrait of a family waiting for Luce (Instagram photo @ vanillagirl_86)

Cristina Chiabotto became a mother for the first time on May 7 last year. “You are the best gift of life” she wrote on her social networks sharing the first image of her newborn baby.

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A gift from his life but also from his grandmother. “I’m sure my grandmother is behind this gifthe said when he was waiting for Luce. The reference is to grandmother Maria, who died of Covid, to which the former Miss was very close. But now the sadness is only a distant memory. It is time to rejoice. And to get ready to welcome another baby in your arms.

