Cristiano Ronaldo rebels against the depressing final

Ronaldo, used to keeping the spotlight all on him, still does not resign himself to the sad decline: in 2022 he became almost incomprehensible for attitudes, silences and gestures

Sad and lonely in a bad ending. This is the title of the last chapter of Cristiano Ronaldo’s glorious sports biography. The boy became crack based on effort, work ethic, sacrifice, commitment, maniacal dedication. The teenager who cried in the loneliness of Lisbon to pursue his dream, eaten by the “saudade” for his island as far away as his family. The young phenomenon who did not speak English and undertook to follow the orders of his second father, Sir Alex Ferguson, to the letter, given in a Scottish incomprehensible to many Englishmen. From Manchester to Manchester 19 years later. He arrived from Turin full of hope, he wants to leave full of rancor. In 2003 Cristiano Ronaldo was misunderstood, but only in the linguistic field. In this 2022 he has become incomprehensible for his attitude, silences, gestures. How is it possible that someone who was also a champion for image and management of the same could behave in this very wrong way?

The answer is complex. Cris has always had something boyish, childish, spoiled, even at the height of his wonderful career. The way of protesting when he asked for what in Spain they had renamed the “penaldo”, a penalty that only he saw. Or the hands slammed on the ground, the exaggerated noises, the excessive gesticulation, the faces in the face of alleged cosmic injustices. The obvious complaints, the gestures of anger for his teammates who did not pass the ball to him, who denied him yet another goal. The need to always be at the center of the scene. Which if we want is what happened on Wednesday night at Old Trafford: United beat Tottenham, Ten Hag’s team has started shooting for some time. He is on the bench. How can you be the protagonist? Denying himself to enter when he was called into question. But the history of football is full of “no” of this type. And then CR7 got up and left. “Do I notice more if I come and stay on the sidelines or if I don’t come?”. The Portuguese reinterpreted the famous phrase of Nanni Moretti by abandoning the party organized by his teammates on the lawn of a stadium that belonged to him, who loved him and which a year ago welcomed his return with jubilation a year ago.

Ronaldo acted like the gloomy child who leaves the game with his friends, and he has not even been able to take the ball away, because it is no longer his. He who has everything … But at least Cris has succeeded in an intent, that people talk about him. For the worst of reasons, the desertion of the workaholic. Who, in order to keep the spotlight on himself, has decided to do something very undignified that has eliminated him from the next United game, at Stamford Bridge. The winner of five Golden Balls now trains alone, secluded, excluded, punished like any other urchin. The footballer who at 36 years away (badly) from Juventus has torn a contract worth 500,000 pounds a week that a few months later he tried to tear, without however wanting to give up a single penny. The man who is running towards half a billion followers on Instagram (last night he was at 489,802,948) has decided to offer his audience a bad example. Regardless of an image that is in depressing (and for CR7 unacceptable) decline as his football career. Peter Pan is poisoned, and he has lost his mind.
