Cristiano Ronaldo leaves Manchester United with middellijke ingang

“The club thanks him for the enormous bijdrage that lasted two periods at Old Trafford – was there 145 keer scoorde in 346 matches – and wenst hem en zijn gezin het best voor de toekomst”, het clicks in a korte mededeling by United.

“Everyone within Manchester United remains focused on the prospects of the future and the suffering of Erik in the Hag and we remain the same as the successors of the future.”

The relationship between Man United and Cristiano Ronaldo is long in the slop. The Portugese superster is dit sezoen veroordeeld tot het statuut van bank tremors and can that maar moeilijk verkroppen. In October it was decided that there was no material left outside of the last flow signal in the direction of the trekking cameras.

Last week the situation was discussed, toen Ronaldo a previously mentioned interview with Piers Morgan. Daarin vertelde de Portugees dat hij zich “verraden” voelde. “Het voelt alsof de club van mij af wil.”

Ronaldo was due in the summer of 2021 near Manchester United, the club was waiting for tussen 2003 and 2009 next to what successes had been booked. Previously, there was still a long way to go to the nice ones (24 goals in 39 matches) but in the middle there is a vijfvoudige Gouden Bal not more than a refined invaller by the Red Devils. In zestien wedstrijden scoorde hij amper drie goals.

For the first time in ManU in 2009, the Portuguese lost to Real Madrid, which was the most successful in a successful period of their career. Hij bleef negen jaar (2009-2018) in the Spanish hoofdstad and veroverde he onder meer four keer de Champions League and twee keer de Spain title. In the summer of 2018 next to Juventus. Hij kroonde er zich onder meer tweemaal tot Italiaans Kampioen maar Europees succes bleef uit. In August 2021, CR7 will be held at the top club in Turijn in Manchester United.

The event is momentarily in Qatar was done with the Portuguese national plan in the World War.
