Crisis meeting at BVB after layoffs

After the successful start of the season, Borussia Dortmund’s Bundesliga handball team has a crisis meeting to discuss the immediate dismissal submitted by two national players.

“There is a conversation about this, and this will take place tomorrow,” said BVB department head Andreas Heiermann on Sunday of the German Press Agency on Sunday. There was initially no information about the background to the termination.

In addition to the players and Heiermann who are currently on sick leave, the meeting should also include club president Reinhard Rauball and representatives of the independent contact point for violence and abuse in top-class sport “Start against Violence”.

According to this, the “Start Against Violence” initiative launched by Athletes Germany eV in May contacted BVB. The background to this is unclear. “We want to listen to the allegations on Monday and then evaluate and work through them factually,” said Heiermann. “We approach this issue with the utmost sensitivity.”

BVB has not yet accepted terminations

Before the start of the season on Saturday against Union Halle/Neustadt (34:24), he had confirmed to the “Ruhr Nachrichten” that the club had not initially accepted the players’ resignations: “Yes, both players submitted their resignations. We don’t have any knowledge of the content of what speaks for termination without notice and have therefore objected to the termination, so that the employment contract continues to exist for us.”

Athletes Germany did not comment on the background to the case on Sunday.
