Crisis emergency shelter also needed after 1 April

The crisis emergency shelter for asylum seekers must remain open longer than April 1. That is what State Secretary Eric van der Burg (Asylum Affairs) asked the mayors of the Security Council. Many mayors agreed, he said.

In recent months, several crisis emergency reception locations have been opened in Drenthe. In Diever, Coevorden and Gieten, among others, a group accommodation, bank building and care location were set up as temporary accommodation.

Van der Burg says he cannot miss the crisis emergency shelter yet. A number of regions have indicated that they cannot continue this reception in its current form, but would like to see what else they can do. “And some said very clearly and clearly: we are not going to do that,” said the state secretary.

All mayors have indicated that they can no longer manage to arrange the necessary facilities for all asylum seekers. This concerns matters such as education, day care and care.

According to chairman of the Security Council Hubert Bruls, the rules must be relaxed to regulate the facilities. “Otherwise it will completely crash.” The ministers of Education and Health should “add water to the wine”, says Bruls. Put retired teachers in front of the class, he said.

The so-called third-country nationals were also discussed in the extra consultation. These are refugees from Ukraine who do not originally come from there. It concerns about 4,700 people. The scheme they fall under expires at the beginning of March and the mayors have asked for it to be extended to prevent people from taking to the streets.

Van der Burg is positive about this. “A pretty sensible proposal,” he called it. He will investigate the effects of an extension.

There is a serious shortage of shelters. Asylum centers are overcrowded and there is no house available for people who are allowed to stay. More asylum seekers are expected to come to the Netherlands in the coming months, while the number of reception places is falling. That is why Van der Burg is diligently looking for more shelter.

Van der Burg recently announced that he still needs 19,000 reception places before 1 July. Keeping the emergency shelter open is not the end of the matter, he admitted. “But it’s going to help.” He has not indicated a date when the crisis emergency shelter can close.
