Crime must be combated sustainably and not just relocated

Despite a larger police presence, the drug problem in Görlitzer Park could not be solved

Despite a larger police presence, the drug problem in Görlitzer Park could not be solved Photo: picture alliance / Global Travel Images / BZ-Montage

By Johannes Malinowski

Violence, drugs, homelessness – problems that Berlin has not been able to get under control for years. A comment from BZ editor Johannes Malinowski.

On Friday, the governing mayor is inviting people to the security summit in the Red City Hall. He wants to discuss with politicians and authorities, among other things, how hot spots in the city can be decriminalized.

The Green mayors of Mitte and Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg presented a concept paper on Thursday. After all, Leopoldplatz and Görli are two main locations for blatant drug crime in the city districts.

The mayor’s package of measures is a solid mix. Social work, police presence and a conversion into a dealer-unfriendly environment. But the districts cannot handle this task alone. On-site visits with sad faces from domestic politicians from all parties do not solve the problem.

A consistent line is needed against all people who endanger safety on the streets of our city. Today’s summit is a first step.

In the end, districts and the state must agree on how to combat crime sustainably and not just relocate it. This doesn’t just work with nice words.


Drugs Drug Crime Görlitzer Park Crime
