Cremonese-Napoli, Spalletti: ‘It’s not an easy match, whoever takes over makes the most of the opportunities’

The Napoli coach praises Cremonese: “A team that does not deserve the last place”. Congratulations also to Simeone: “he scored a great goal”

We are just at the beginning of October, Luciano Spalletti knows it well. He avoids easy enthusiasm, even if his Napoli is a real goal machine and in Cremona he found his eighth consecutive victory between the championship and the Champions League. “It was not an easy race for us, after the lead we suffered this 1-1 in the second half from an unlucky rebound. From there it was difficult, we could not find the measure on the second ball, it became a match that does not resemble our qualities and we hardly adapt to this type of competition ”.


Despite the four goals scored, Cremonese has done anything but the appearance. “It must be said that we were facing a Cremonese who does not deserve the classification it has and who is well placed on the field, deserves my compliments – continues Spalletti -. But my parents never lost the clarity of doing certain things and in the end it was rewarded. Simeone scored a great goal, I’m lucky enough to coach all players who are always available for work. And whoever takes over makes the most of the opportunities. The feeling is that our team never let its guard down on its goals. Rrahmani’s injury? It is to be evaluated “.
