Cremonese, all on Radu’s side: united, as a team, with empathy …

Cremonese defends Radu with a beautiful message. And she shares the meaning of empathy.

The Apennines and Ionut Radu. A difficult relationship, which begins to become delicate for the young Romanian goalkeeper, former Inter player and currently in the Cremonese area. After Bologna’s mistake at the end of April in the Inter shirt, the one in Florence at the end of August in the gray and red shirt arrived.

After the match won by the Viola, with Mandragora’s ball accompanied by Radu on the net, the words of the Cremonese coach had been strong and clear: “Enough, it no longer exists, the mistake is canceled, Radu is one of us, one of the team and we continue to have the utmost confidence in him. ” The Lombard company arrived to reinforce these concepts with a press release.

The whole club is on his side. After all, Radu, in the Italian Cup in Cremona against Ternana, had played an excellent match. And even in Florence in the league before the goal conceded, his interventions were applauded by the grigiorossi fans …

“Every Cremonese player as such is part of a family, of a club, of a group. Every applause and every criticism against an individual is always addressed to the whole team. Because such we are, united both on and off the pitch. field “, Cremonese wrote on social media who then shared the meaning of the word ’empathy. “We wrote it after the match: we lost as a team, we will win as a team”, reads another post.
