Credit pie for the whole summer – Incredibly easy and works with all berries

Summer is the golden time for pies. The easiest berry pie is made without an electric mixer.

First the rhubarb shoots its fresh stems, then the strawberries, raspberries, currants and blueberries ripen, not forgetting the lingonberries and blackberries.

This pie dough works with any kind of berries, so it’s a true all-summer credit dough. And best of all, this pie doesn’t require an electric mixer, as the dough ingredients are simply mixed together. The oven does the rest.

Easy berry pie

4 eggs

3 dl sugar

2 dl of milk

2 dl of melted butter, margarine or oil

6 dl wheat flour

4 teaspoons of baking powder

2 teaspoons of vanillin sugar

top with berries to your taste + sugar

1. Mix eggs and sugar. Mix the baking powder and vanillin sugar into the wheat flour. Add milk, fat and flour mixture to the egg-sugar mixture.

2. Pour the dough onto the baking sheet. Sprinkle berries and sugar on top.

3. Bake at 200 degrees for about 25 minutes.


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