Creature Horror, Team Scheisse and a crying Böhmermann: an overview of Volkmann’s pop week (with an interview!)

We are family: team shit

– “Will probably become complete rubbish again, it sounds like it was thought up (and recorded) by a school band in one afternoon.”

-“Very good! I’m looking forward to it!”

[Zwei aufeinander bezugnehmende Usermeinungen. Gefunden bei den Kolleg:innen von unter der Ankündigung zu einer zweiten Team-Scheisse-LP]

Sitting by the fireplace, pouring the brandy into the bulbous glass, removing excess scab from the skin, smiling at the cat and putting on a great disc on Grandma Hans’ old record player. That’s the punk of the late years and that’s how I’m experiencing the long-awaited second album by Team Scheisse from Bremen (and Erfurt). Yes, it’s true, a second album is out this Friday (February 24, 2023)! What is that called exactly? Well, I could laboriously get out of the armchair and copy out the eponymous phone number exactly, but would you really remember it? I thought so. In this respect, I content myself with pointing out that this album is named after a number with the Bremen area code (0421). I think you can get further in the record store if you don’t recite them exactly, but somehow describe the whole dilemma – and blush at the checkout and apologize for the eccentric band.


At the end of 2021, my life will revolve almost entirely around Team Scheisse, since I don’t have any children or a real job apart from this column. I constantly listen to the good songs from “I brought you flowers from the gas station (Now we kiss)” and there really are a lot of them. The exhilaration that the beeping sound of a deposit machine triggers becomes a symbol of small, precarious happiness. You get it right away. And everyone I know feels this record, everyone wants to go to one of the not so many team shit concerts that are planned for 2022. The tour is then completely sold out and the meme internet is full of ever funnier variations on topics such as department store detective, Edeka or Erfurt. Most of it is thought up by the fans themselves. User generated excitement. Apart from their mere existence, the band only fuels their own hype with various video clips. The many-armed story of Team Scheisse becomes a beautiful Corona fairy tale in the midst of the otherwise rather cross-genre dreariness that currently prevails in pop culture.


Now everything starts all over again. Bands live in cycles. Even a phenomenon as refreshing as Team Scheisse cannot escape this law. Which means something like: new songs, new record, next tour, blowing the interest of the fans again. However, such a jump start, as it once originated here, cannot be repeated. It’s not every day New Year’s Eve. There is no question that Team Scheisse, if they want to, can establish themselves as a great band in the local punk and more circus.

After an interim single with “Wetten dass…?” as the main motif, the new album with the telephone number is now being released. Even if you are now prepared for the cracking Bremen music group, it still has something amazing and convincing in store: “Schmetterling” (see above), for example, is a hit, just like “Penalty Shootout”, “Everything that burns” and this half we are -Hero cover “Pantry”. But clarify for yourself what the new tracks might be for you, I’m just a hinge on that. And I’m happy to be able to offer a little interview with the band for this record, just like I did with “Tanke”.


Team Scheisse is a band that doesn’t necessarily have to bother with answering questions 1:1. I ask you to bear this in mind when you consider the following quotes.

Whether singer Timo really worked together with Jan Böhmermann… it is quite conceivable because of the mutual Bremen connection, but I could not prove it. Well, at the latest when Böhmermann should give one of his notorious guest vocal appearances with Team Scheisse, it should be settled. Otherwise, I wish everyone good luck with the album, which is entitled “0421 241 92799” (I checked the number again, that’s how #journalism works today).

Team Scheisse in an interview: “Then we’ll change the extension to the Thuringia Office for the Protection of the Constitution”

The team-shit-band constellation was only found during Corona – some of you really didn’t know each other at all. You went on tour as the opposite of a tight-knit gang. Were you worried whether it would harmonize at all – and how did you experience the team spirit on the road?

TEAM SCHISSE: Simon has always driven in his own car and is generally not in the mood for these school trip booms. Which is totally fine as a drummer as long as he somehow does his job. Similar to Hannes, he doesn’t talk much with the band. He only writes the songs and collects royalties. It all sounds awful now, but in the end the tracks are always finished before they go on tour – so everyone can practice at home. You can then simply save yourself rehearsals and all that stupid the-boys-hang-out-together-in-the-rehearsal-room fuss. At the end of the day, we’re actually just a company. So could be better, but the machine runs in its own way.

I remembered a team shit concert that I didn’t even go to myself. In Kiel you played in a hall in front of what felt like a hundred thousand people (some of whom were seated) as the opening act for Toten Hosen – how did such an event feel for you?

The trousers were completely different in private than you would imagine. The encounter was definitely an experience. The concert wasn’t that exciting, but the night after was legendary. Like us, the pants are enthusiastic table tennis players, but their age is giving them problems and after about six hours we had taken double our fee from them.

Your second record bears a telephone number with the Bremen area code as the title – what is that all about? I really don’t like to use the phone and I didn’t call them out of fear or disgust. But that’s exactly why I’m very curious!

Don’t worry, no one will answer, feel free to call. But you have to do it now. From February 24th (album release) we will switch to the extension to the Thuringia Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

There is the song “Jan Böhmermann weint”, which of course reminds me of the title “Derrick Cries” by Bernd Begemann. With your piece I asked myself whether that – as I read it – is a homage to him? What do you appreciate most about him? Or is it a diss? Then: What do you hate about him to your blood?

Jan wrote the text himself. Our singer Timo knows Jan from school days. Fun fact, the two even worked together at Radio Bremen on the same show. A kind of friendship developed there. But it’s also difficult to say, even if you talk to him like that, he just never gets out of his role. We hope he goes on tour with us for a few shows. But until now he always had good excuses.

“0421 241 92799” by Team Scheisse will be released on February 24, 2023.

And now for something completely different

Lia Şanin & Inspektah feat. Jay Holler “Fiery Red Hair”

This song including the video has been out for a few months, but it’s obviously still missing a few views before this finally becomes a well-deserved sure-fire success like the phone avalanche on The Three Question Marks. In any case, the clip has potential. The accompanying music… DIY rave? Electrified minimal hip-hop? No idea, I’d have to call Shazam. But what I can already say: A very alert piece of Kiff songwriting despite the consumption, which somehow speaks to you from more diverse living environments and not from the normative gangsta or Gucci perspective. Have fun.

And this one for fans of movies and creatures

There’s a movie coming out this week – and I’d be lying if I said I can vouch for it being any good. Maybe it’s better as a gag than in an hour and a half. However, I’ve seen the trailer a number of times and my enthusiasm is undiminished. What do you think?

The genre of such gimmick movies is called (or at least I do) creature horror. I have a certain amount of expertise in this often very trashy segment and will close this week’s column with a list of recommendations:


– “Zombie” (2014)
It’s wonderful that the pun of the original “Zombeaver” can actually be translated into German. The nice thing about such one-trick films is that you don’t have to explain anything. The name says it all here: zombie beaver. The result is less cheap than expected and can also keep the joke and tension at bay.

– “In the land of rocket worms” (1990)
The film starring Kevin Beacon and the giant worms roaming underground (thought to have been inspired by “Dune”) was actually so well received in the early 1990s that it became a surprise hit – and spawned a number of sequels.

– “Stung” (2015)
This killer bee film is also amazingly ambitious and even has a lot of twists and character development to offer beyond its insect actors.

– “Black Sheep” (2006)
Here you also get on a very good scale, which oscillates between quark, joke and horror. The vast Australian landscape also provides the production with a very impressive backdrop. I don’t think it’s just a good film for me either. Watch tonight, thank me later.

– “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes” (1978)

Busy like deadly nightshades: A genre classic, I would recommend everyone to see it. Personally, I have more lasting memories than some of the classics that I once read as a schoolboy (Mann, Böll, Lessing).

What happened until now? Here is an overview of all pop column texts.




