Creative people show their work at Syntra West’s MaKeRS event

Creative people show their work at Syntra West’s MaKeRS event

For years, Syntra West has been offering highly creative courses that are quite popular. Hundreds of creatives have followed them and with their entrepreneurial heart they have often become independent. They were able to present their works at the MaKeRS event.

Not just hobbyists

“The event is intended for anyone who is interested in a craft and creative education. All exhibitors are former students or teachers at Syntra West who have completed a long-term process and then started as a self-employed person,” says Isabelle Santy of Syntra West.

“After I graduated, I immediately started training as a florist at Syntra. After that, I immediately started my own secondary occupation,” says florist Lore Declerck.

Makers are above all creative and innovative. From ceramics, to jewelry, furniture, handbags…
