Crash barrier in notorious bend A59 is a matter of time, says traffic expert

It is only a matter of time before a crash barrier comes along the A59 near Den Bosch. That is what traffic expert Paul van de Coevering says. Now that two more accidents have happened in the infamous bend where Sanne and Hebe died, it is difficult to ignore it, according to him. “That bend is supposed to be safe according to the guidelines, but in practice it turns out not to be. So you will have to.”

That said the traffic expert Monday morning in the radio program WAKKER!. On Sunday evening another car flew out of the infamous bend along the A59. A man, woman and a dog were saved. At the end of March, it all went wrong. And at the end of last year, the fatal accident with Sanne and Hebe also happened on that spot.

The city council of Den Bosch has already pressed for measures. But the House of Representatives voted against on the advice of the minister. According to an analysis, the connecting arch would be safe enough. Van de Coevering explains: “You can of course equip the whole of the Netherlands with a crash barrier. But that costs money and is not effective,” he says.

Nevertheless, he thinks that measures will eventually be taken here. “It’s not a very crazy traffic situation. So it’s strange that people keep going off the road there.” And then something will have to happen, he thinks.

Although such a guardrail will not be there immediately tomorrow. “It will take a while before something like this is realized.” But according to him, the need is now there. “With Sanne and Hebe it was unclear what exactly had happened there. But now that more accidents have happened in that place, it’s probably not just the drivers. And then you will have to do something,” said the traffic expert.

Again a car flies out of a notorious curve without a guardrail on the A59

Again call for crash barrier on spot where Sanne and Hebe crashed

The House of Representatives votes against the crash barrier at the Empel junction after the death of Hebe and Sanne
