Covid vaccine certificate | The EU extends the covid vaccination passport regulation for another year

The Council of the European Union (EU), the body that brings together the governments of the member states, approved this Tuesday extend one more yearuntil June 2023, the regulation that establishes the covid digital certificate, the health pass created to allow the mobility of vaccinated people.

As reported by the Council in a statement, the extension of this regulation will allow the EU States that so wish continue to require the covid passport from travelers who want to travel through its territorywhether they are European citizens or citizens of third countries.

However, the Twenty Seven also opened the door to repeal the covid certificate regulation ahead of time and not wait until June 30 of next yearas long as the health situation allows it.

In this sense, national governments set the European Commission the obligation that before the end of this year 2022 present a detailed report in which Evaluate the need to maintain or repeal the covid passport.

On the other hand, from now on, the regulation contemplates new measures such as, for example, the possibility of issue a recovery certificateas a person has passed covid-19, after an antigen test.

In addition, the extended text expands the range of antigen tests authorized to obtain a recovery certificate and includes the possibility that people who participate in clinical trials of the covid-19 vaccine can compute them as dosesand thus issue them the corresponding vaccination passports.

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The new regulation also clarifies that covid certificates must include all doses injectedregardless of whether they have been placed in different EU states.

The modified text will enter into force this Tuesday and, as it is a European regulation, it is a direct and instant application rulewhich does not need to wait for each member country to transpose it into its legislation to be effective.
