Covid today: what to do if you are positive. The current rules

There is no longer an obligation to isolate, but some precautions must be taken

Lucia Resta

The emergency is over and the WHO made it official last May, but the virus is still among us and continues to vary: autumn is now upon us and the Covid concerns again based on recent data released by the Gimbe Foundation, which show that cases have increased fivefold over the last month. It is above all the Eris variant that is infecting in this period and in the meantime the health authorities are taking action and are ready to launch a new vaccination campaign for the elderly and frail subjects, who will be invited to undergo the fifth dose inoculation. But in the meantime, If you are infected with Covid-19 today, what should you do?

Positive for Covid today? What to do?

The Ministry of Health has now abolished the obligation of isolation for Covid positives, because the disease that triggered the pandemic in 2020 is endemic and must now be treated like any other infectious disease. Obviously, to limit infections, some precautions must still be taken:

  • while you have symptoms, it’s better to stay at home and in any case avoid crowded places;
  • if you come into contact with other people, wear one mask surgical or, even better, an FFP2;
  • avoid coming into contact with fragile people, immunosuppressed or pregnant women. Also avoid going to hospitals or RSA.

If the positive person is a fragile or immunosuppressed person, they should contact their doctor if the symptoms do not go away afterwards three days or if they even get worse.

How long can you remain contagious?

According to what has been observed in recent weeks, the course of the Covid-19 disease is now characterized by a viral load that reaches its peak between the first and fifth day from the onset of symptoms. In most cases, after nine days there is no longer any possibility of infecting other people, even if traces of the virus can still persist for weeks.

Who needs to get the fifth dose of the vaccine?

The Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci explained that the new vaccination campaign for the fifth dose which, most likely, can also be done together with flu vaccine, with two different inoculations. Only about a million doses of vaccines, Pfizer and Novavax, will arrive in the next few weeks and will be reserved for:

  • elderly people over 80
  • RSA guests
  • frail over 60s with pre-existing pathologies.
