Covid, the new rules: quarantine becomes light

V.I was that the Covid now it doesn’t seem to scare anymore. Having said that, however, with the return in September, they arrive anyway information on how to prevent and control the virus, which although less dangerous, it has not ceased to spread among the population.

Covid: the news for the quarantine

Here then, among the most probable first novelties, are the new rules rules on the home isolation of Covid positives which could be introduced shortly.

The proposal concerns one “light” quarantine. Yesterday, Monday, the Superior Health Council gave its pardon. The only thing missing is the Ministry of Health which, once it has given its opinion, will have to issue a circular.

For months he has been asked to review the obligation of isolation, especially for those with no symptoms. Moreover, almost everywhere the rules have become much lighter. Really Spain and England have just removed the isolation for the positives. But many others, at least, have reduced quarantine days.

Five-day light quarantine

It may therefore be time to do it in Italy as well. And in fact, the idea is to start with a decrease in the days of isolation, which would go from the current 7 to 5.

This, however, only if you have been symptom-free for at least 48 hours And test negative for a quick swab at the pharmacy.

For cases of long positivity, on the other hand, we would aim at conclude the isolation after 10 or 15 at the latest days compared to three current weeks.

There is much anticipation for the circular and it is hoped that it will be issued quickly. What is certain is that a general rethinking of the home isolation of the infected it is now considered fundamentalgiven the situation that seems to be heading towards endemization.

We need to think about the future and that is autumn. The Government is preparing the news (Getty Images)

New drugs

Second news coming: L’Emathe EU Medicines Agency, by the end of the week, will grant a wide authorization, for the two new medicines made by Moderna and Pfizer and updated to some variants of Covid.

And on 5 September Aifa, the Italian drug agency, should give the go ahead for the use of drugs in Italy. The EMA follows the regulatory bodies of the United Kingdom and Switzerland that have already done so.

Vaccines to whom

Finally, from Ema and Ecdc, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, should also arrive indications on access to new vaccines: probably you will start with over 60 and vulnerable.

The return to school will also have its novelties

The Ministry of Education, in view of the start of the new year, sent schools a handbook with the main indications to combat the spread of Covid-19 in schools.

These will allow the children to be sent to school even when they are cold and if positive they will no longer have the opportunity to follow the lessons in DAD. The goal is to try to ensure that school attendance is in attendance as much as possible.

