Covid positive: towards light quarantine. What changes

No.It does not matter that the Government has fallen and that we go to elections: the fight against Covidat least that which concerns the autumn, is still up to the Draghi executive.

Letizia of Spain is back in public after Covid and chooses the blue trouser suit

Positive Covid, if the quarantine changes

And so the pandemic measures machine not only will it not stop, but already in the next few days it could see a first important news, specifically on the quarantine of virus positives.

The so-called “home isolation”, in fact, that today it must last at least 7 days and expect to come out a negative tampon, it could become 5 days if you have been symptom-free for at least 48 hours and can produce a negative quit test.

Loosening of the measure

Now the time seems ripe for a decisive relaxation of the measure. Not just because despite the boom in infections, the hospitals are not crowded. But also for the now widespread phenomenon of the many infected who are no longer afraid of illness, they avoid the official tampon to avoid isolation restrictions.

The virus is less scary and even the isolation for the infected seems to be ready to be shortened

Covid positive: light quarantine

And so, also in Italy, in the wake of what has already been decided in other countries, this is being reflected on “Light quarantine”. There circular is ready, but has not yet been submittedwaiting to see the impact of this fifth wave that has caused an explosion of infections.

But if, as it seems, the peak has been reached and then the trend starts to go down again, then the Minister of Health Speranza will sign the new text.

Doctors agree

After all, even the doctors are practically in agreement. According to Milanese virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco when this wave will go to reduce, what has been proposed definitely makes sense, from the point of view of one coexistence with this virus that will continue to show signs of itself.

