Covid, goodbye to a state of emergency: what will change next

L‘England, although not everyone is convinced, at the end of next week, it will remove all restrictions against Covid-19, including the obligation of self-isolation for the infected.

Covid: free all in England, Italy more cautious

Italy, on the other handon the fact that the virus has been defeated, she doesn’t feel so confident. And therefore he does not follow Prime Minister Johnson, although he greatly loosens security measures.

What is certain is that will keep the masks indoors and the green pass even after March 31stthe day on which the state of emergency will expire and in all likelihood will not be renewed.

Not only that, Minister Speranza explained that it is also evaluating the fourth dose for everyone after the summer.

Vaccines, fourth dose for everyone?

The fourth dose will start shortly, or rather booster for the immunocompromisedbut according to the Minister of Health, the hypothesis of a reminder for everyone in view of the new cold season.

This hypothesis could become real, unless you have it available new updated vaccines capable of immunizing from several different variants.

Covid booster for immunosuppressed people

As there is no adequate vaccine to combat Omicron, the mutation of Sars Cov 2 now dominant in Italy and in the rest of the world, theAifathe Scientific Technical Committee of the Italian Medicines Agency, has given its way to the administration of the fourth dose of Covid vaccine for the severely “fragile” patients.

The category, less than a million Italians in all, includes who has undergone transplants or suffer from certain pathologies that lower the defenses or who, for example cancer patients, takes drugs that reduce the action of the immune system. The administration, experts say, it should be done with mRna vaccines, at least 120 days after the last dose.

Women and post Covid work.  The iO Donna webinar

What will happen at the end of the state of emergency

On March 31, it now seems almost certain, the state of emergency will end. At that point the Technical Scientific Committee will be dissolvedconstant medical support of the Government in all these months of the fight against the pandemic.

And the hope is that the spring-summer 2022 may be a season of relative freedom from the virus.

But, given that Covid has also made us understand that its moves are not so predictable, we need to be ready for a possible return of the virus in a more significant way in the winter season.

Super green pass and basic green pass

From the words of Minister Speranza, it seems clear enough that the green pass is super, or the Green Certification obtained only with vaccination or recovery, is basicwhich is achieved by vaccination, healing, or a negative molecular or rapid antigen test, will stay until summer.

Surely, at least, to use the means of long-distance transport, as well as for discos, cinemas, theaters and gyms. Imaginable, however, that the obligation of the reinforced one to enter the commercial activity is canceled.

Covid, reopen to tourism: the quarantine for foreigners is off

It is also possible to think of a return of the basic green pass request for some of those activities where the super green pass was mandatory, such as in hotels.

In fact, in the perspective to reopen to foreign tourism for the holidays already at Easter, the government should also remove the quarantine for foreigners arriving in Italy.

In calendar of reopening without restrictioni also cultural sites and shows, swimming pools and outdoor sports activities that could be accessible even to the unvaccinated as early as April.

Probably instead that the need to have the Super Green Pass will remain for access to jobs even after the end of the obligation set today for June 15th.

