Court appoints trustee after bankruptcy of Packo Cooling

Court appoints trustee after bankruptcy of Packo Cooling

It is highly unlikely that a buyer will be found for the company. Eighty people lose their jobs.

All activities at the company that makes cooling tanks for dairy farmers will be stopped. About eighty employees have been laid off. The company court also appointed a receiver. “An extensive search has already been made for a buyer. The chance that the trustee will find another buyer is small. Of course, it can always happen that someone still offers themselves,” says Van Eeckhoutte.

On Monday, the unions already entered into consultation with the curator. “The trustee will draw up a statement of what the debts are and then we will look to pay off the debts as much as possible. It is up to us to see what is left in terms of leave days and compensation for employees. We will map that out. bring and requisition from the company.”

According to Van Eeckhoutte, a combination of setbacks such as the corona crisis and the war in Ukraine was the cause of the bankruptcy.

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