Courrèges designs t-shirt for LGBTQI+ community

French fashion brand Courrèges and the Center Pompidou art museum celebrate the LGBTQI+ community.

As June draws to a close, dedicated to Pride, the Center Pompidou continues to shed light on the challenges facing the LGBTQI+ community since the early 20th century with a new exhibition has to cope with.

Courrèges has launched a t-shirt to honor and support the exhibition, the French brand said on Instagram. The design not only adorns the name and date of the exhibition, but also the words “United we stand”. The proceeds from the T-shirt, priced at 170 euros, will go to the Association de lutte pour les droits au séjour, an organization that fights for the residence, asylum and immigration rights of LGBTI+ people.

Dubbed “Over the Rainbow” after singer Judy Garland’s most famous song, the exhibition presents over 500 documents that show how artists over the years have helped to change the public perception of the community and continuously stood up for their rights.

Instead of providing a one-dimensional representation, present the exhibition that have one thing in common: each of them, in their own way, represents what the homophobic representation slanders, according to a statement from the museum.

The exhibition “Over the Rainbow” runs until November 13, 2023.
