Couple walks hand in hand and is knocked to the ground by group

It was a dramatic end to a pleasant carnival evening in Breda for two men at the end of February last year. The couple was walking down the street hand in hand when a group of young people abused and abused them. The police share surveillance images in Bureau Brabant, in the hope that the perpetrators will still be caught.

We go back to Saturday February 26, the Saturday of Carnival. A group of a total of six young people walked through the center of Breda that evening. They were wearing normal clothes and clearly weren’t out for a nice party.

‘You must die’
According to bystanders, the group seemed to be looking for a confrontation. That also happened when two young men walked by hand in hand. The group started calling out to them. They were called ‘faggots’ and ‘gays’, and were told ‘to die’.

Not much later, one of the young people in the group suddenly lashed out. The blow broke one of the men’s nose. He fell to the ground, but received more kicks and blows there. The same thing happened to his friend.

Physical and mental damage
One of the victims underwent surgery later that evening. Now, almost a year later, both men are still very much affected by that night. Both physically and mentally.

The perpetrators are still missing. That is why the police are now sharing images of the serious assault. “Don’t let this group get away with it.”
