Couple breaks world record and creates ‘cycling artwork’ on Strava of more than 7,000 kilometers | Abroad

Three years ago, the couple made a plan to cycle a gigantic tour with two cargo bikes and their dog Zola, which has the shape of a bicycle on a map. It would normally take them four months. Three years later, including a pandemic, a few injured, 35 pounds of pasta, 655 coffees and any temperature between -5°C and 39°C, they’ve made it.

Daniel, Arianna and Zola rode 7,237 kilometers in 131 days and climbed 71,454 meters (8 Mount Everests) to set a new world record for the longest GPS trace drawing in the process. And all that with bicycles, luggage and a dog that together weighed 110 kg.

With this tour they wanted to promote bicycle use. They are concerned about climate change and believe that people should cycle more.
