Countries want to be included in National Security Strategy

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The federal states feel ignored in the development of the national security strategy of the federal government. Unfortunately, the concept was drawn up without the participation of the federal states, said North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) on Thursday after consultations with the state heads of government in Berlin. The countries would also have responsibilities for internal security, cyber security and disaster and civil protection.

“We can only achieve security in a comprehensive sense for the people in Germany together,” said Wüst, who is deputy chairman of the Minister Presidents’ Conference (MPK). The states had repeatedly asked in vain for a say and would now make this offer again.

After months of deliberations, the federal cabinet decided on a security strategy on Wednesday, in which for the first time all security-related issues from the equipment of the armed forces through the fight against climate change to civil protection. This is intended to better arm Germany against growing internal and external threats.

The prime ministers met with Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) in the Chancellery after their state rounds./dot/DP/ngu
