Countries must quickly open up about ‘spyware’

Poland, Greece, Hungary, Spain and Azerbaijan should open up within three months about how spy software has been used in recent years. Independent research must also be conducted into proven abuse of spyware against opposition politicians, human rights activists, lawyers and journalists. This is demanded by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which monitors compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights.

As a result of the use of spy software, the Polish elections in 2019 were unfair, the assembly states, through rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt. The opposition campaign leader was tapped. “That’s worse than Watergate.”

Other countries known to have purchased spy software, including the Netherlands, are called upon to be open about this. They must also make clear what legal safeguards exist to prevent the spyware from being misused and amend their laws where necessary to strengthen democratic control over its use.

Also read this interview with Sophie in ‘t Veld: ‘Europe is a kind of Eldorado for the spyware industry’

Pegasus and Predator

The assembly voted on Wednesday evening in Strasbourg on recommendations in a report drawn up by a committee led by Omtzigt. The reason for this was a series of revelations about the misuse of spy software. Well-known examples of such software are Pegasus and Predator. The highly critical report was adopted by a large majority, despite criticism from Spain and Hungary.

Parliamentarians from various countries noted that legislation on digital surveillance lags far behind what is technologically possible. That leaves too much room for misuse of technology. The assembly also voted for a moratorium on the use of spyware until legislation is improved.

Unlike the Israeli Pegasus, Predator is made in Europe and exported from Europe. Following revelations in, among others NRC There will be a plenary debate in the European Parliament next week about circumventing export restrictions when selling to countries where human rights are structurally violated.
