Council Tynaarlo wants the college to open the door for refugees from Ukraine

The Tynaarlo council wants the municipality to open the door to refugees from Ukraine. All political groups have jointly issued this signal to the mayor and aldermen.

“We assume that everyone has seen the terrible images from the Ukraine,” the parties wrote to the college. Tens of thousands of people are fleeing the war. Of course we as a municipality of Tynaarlo cannot do much. What we can do is ensure that people find a good place to live here and that they can be (temporarily) cared for in our municipality.’

The factions want to know from the council whether the central government or the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) has already requested the municipality to look for housing for Ukrainian refugees. They also want to know whether the municipality already has reception locations in mind and whether the municipality has contact with Ukrainians and Russians living in Tynaarlo.
