Council of State: Secretary of State was allowed to agree to pilot gas extraction in Groningen

The State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate Policy approved the extraction of a maximum of 2.8 billion cubic meters of gas from the Groningen field for the year 2022-2023.

This was determined by the Council of State on Wednesday.

This case concerns the pilot flame level. The Council of State ruled in a ruling that the State Secretary had correctly assessed the safety risks for local residents.

Groninger Bodem Beweging and a number of residents of the earthquake area did not agree with the decision of the State Secretary and appealed against it.

‘State Secretary took sufficient measures’

The court also rules that the State Secretary has ‘reasoned properly’ why this extraction level is necessary to guarantee security of supply.

He has also taken ‘sufficient measures to reduce the demand for gas from Groningen as quickly as possible, with the starting point that gas extraction will be terminated next year’, the Council of State stated.

More later
