Council of State: building exemption may not be used | News item

News item | 02-11-2022 | 17:55

The Council of State has ruled that the construction exemption may not be used in construction projects. A construction exemption means that no permit is required for the temporary nitrogen emissions that arise during construction. The Council of State does not think this is correct, because it cannot be ruled out that nature will be damaged as a result. The construction exemption therefore does not comply with European nature conservation law. The cabinet is studying the ruling in order to be able to interpret the impact.

The construction exemption was intended to make urgent social tasks possible, such as heat networks and housing construction. From now on, a test will be required for these types of projects to determine whether a nature permit must be applied for. The cabinet is also studying what consequences this has for sustainability processes, because of its great social importance.

Once again, it is clear that there is an urgent need to reduce nitrogen emissions and strengthen nature. Nature is under heavy pressure. All sectors must contribute to the tasking for nitrogen reduction. Tomorrow the cabinet will present a first interpretation to the House of Representatives for the debate on the Remkes report. At the end of November, the House will be informed about the impact of the ruling and possible solutions.
