Council of Ministers approves fuel check of 200 euros | Inland

The Federal Public Service Economy and the suppliers are further developing the payment modalities. Minister of Work and Economy Pierre-Yves Dermagne (PS) calls on users to keep a good record of their invoices. These will be required, together with the proof of payment, to request the intervention. The FPS Economy will pay the check and is developing an online tool for this. The request can also be made in writing.

The check is for households who heat their primary residence – a single-family home or apartment – with bulk fuel oil or propane. This is a one-off allowance for all households that have a fuel tank filled at home between November 15, 2021 and November 15, 2022.

Brafco, the federation of Belgian fuel traders, has already called on customers not to deduct 200 euros from their heating oil bill on their own. The fuel traders have already announced that they do not want to pre-finance the aid measure.
