Council De Wolden agrees with extra budget for bicycle connection: ‘Don’t want any delay’

The city council in De Wolden agrees to invest 165,000 euros extra in the bicycle connection between Zuidwolde and Linde. That is more expensive than expected. This is due to higher costs due to material scarcity and higher energy, wage and fuel prices.

The municipality wants to build a separate bicycle path between Zuidwolde and Linde. A bicycle bridge over the provincial road N48 is also part of the plans. The project was expected to cost just under two and a half million euros, of which De Wolden would pay around 1.3 million euros out of his own pocket. But now there is an extra amount on top of that.

The call for a safe bicycle route has been there for years. Now that more and more secondary school students from Zuidwolde are cycling to Dedemsvaart via the Linderweg, the same noise is also becoming louder in Zuidwolde. Cyclists now have to share a narrow viaduct with other traffic on that route, for example. According to the council, safety is important, which is why all political groups agree to increase the budget for bicycle connections.

The construction of the bicycle connection has been underway for some time. What remains is the last 190 meters towards Linde. The council wants to expand the built-up area of ​​the village by adding another 190 meters. The road can then be designed as a 30-kilometre zone. Cyclists and other traffic can then share the road.

That now seems to be the only option, because a plot owner does not want to sell land along Linderweg for the last part of the cycle path up to the current built-up area. The last section would then not be a separate cycle path.

Municipal interests want the last part to become a separate bicycle path and therefore submitted an amendment during the council meeting. “The aim of this plan is to realize a safe bicycle path. If cyclists still have to share the road with other traffic on the last part, then we do not comply with that assignment. We therefore call on the Municipal Executive to investigate whether the last part can become a separate bicycle path,” said party chairman Pieter Groot. All other political groups agreed with the proposal.

However, there are a number of parties who fear that the proposal will cause delays. One of the options is to start an expropriation procedure in order to be able to use the last piece of land for the bicycle path. Such a process can sometimes take years, alderman Mark Turksma said. Another option is to consult with the plot owner again to reach an agreement. The college cannot guarantee that it will be successful, he said. “But I’d be happy to give it another try.”

The Municipal Executive will investigate whether there are other options for making the last part of the cycle path free. Turksma was able to guarantee that the construction of the bicycle bridge would not be delayed. “It is not the case that all other work will come to a standstill, because we are working on the last meters. The construction of the bicycle bridge can gain momentum, I have been told. The bicycle bridge should be completed in the summer of next year. can already be.”
