Cottages holiday park Rheelanden Ansen may go on sale at the end of this year

Kontour Vastgoed wants to put the first 45 houses for holiday park Rheelanden on sale at the end of this year. The company hopes to start building them in the second quarter of next year. The condition is that seventy percent of the homes must be sold. Then the work will only begin.

This is a preliminary plan. This is evident from the cooperation agreement that was concluded in March with the municipality of De Wolden. The houses will go on the market in four phases. The first phase consists of 45 houses. In the months and years that follow, new rounds will follow in which the rest of the homes will be sold. In the most favorable scenario, the park will be completed by the end of 2026 with a total of 125 homes. Five of them have already been built.

The park will be on the west side of the Dwingelerweg, on the meadow opposite camping ‘d Olde Kamp. In addition to building holiday homes, Kontour also wants to build various facilities over the years. Consideration is given to a guest house with office functions, a coffee bar where people can get their own drinks and a shop with local products.

We are also looking at realizing a space with a library. That building should also provide space for workshops and playing games. A room with a sauna, yoga and massages is also on the developer’s wish list. Sport is also given a place, for example, places for ball sports, racket sports and petanque are being looked at. There are also plans for a play and swimming pond.

The developer must have an environmental study carried out to see whether there are no hazardous substances in the ground. If there are, then the cleaning of the soil will end up on Kontour’s plate. If the municipality and the developer together come to the conclusion that the costs of cleaning the soil are not in proportion to the realization of the park, they can jointly decide to terminate the agreement.

In addition, connections for electricity, gas and water must be made. Plants are removed and trees are felled to prepare the area for construction. Paths and roads are being built and greenery, signage and play facilities are being constructed. The municipal sewage system will be modified to allow for the arrival of the park. To drive in and out of Rheelanden, there will be a connection to the Dwingelerweg.

Kontour is obliged to set up an association for all owners of a house. Everyone is automatically a member and will remain so as long as you own a building. This group will soon be responsible for management on the site. They will focus on the maintenance of communal green areas, street lighting and, for example, the maintenance of roads and paths. Permanent residence is not allowed.

Not everyone is happy with the arrival of the park. Some residents fear that there will be traffic nuisance. With the arrival of the houses, the total number of houses in the village is almost doubled. This will put more pressure on traffic, both inside and outside the village, the group believes.

A number of villagers have therefore collected signatures to express their concerns to the municipality. The more than 140 scribbles have now been handed over to the aldermen. In addition to traffic problems, the residents also think that there will be noise nuisance. The arrival of the holiday homes will also have a negative effect on the adjacent Dwingelderveld nature reserve, the group expects.

Not everyone in the village feels the same way as the activists. About ten years ago, objections were already lodged against the arrival of the holiday homes. The Council of State decided that the houses could still be built. However, the plan has been delayed several times. In the meantime, several people have already resigned themselves to it and find it unnecessary to take action again.

The project developer previously announced that it will soon enter into discussions with the immediate neighbors. Soon there will be a wider gathering for everyone in the village. All plans will be discussed there again.
