Cosmetic acupuncture: the lifting effect facial treatment

Sstimulates the production of collagen, relaxes the facial muscles creating a “botox like” effect: thecosmetic acupuncture it is a valid holistic ally – without injections – to try as an anti-aging treatment.

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Cosmetic acupuncture: the lifting effect facial treatment

Treatment linked to traditional Chinese medicine, Acupuncture has always been known for its therapeutic properties. Through the application of very thin needles in some specific areas of the face (and body) it is capable of acting on energy flows and solving specific problems.

The latest beauty trend is to combine the acupuncture technique with anti-aging. QThis holistic treatment would be a frontier of (similar) facial lifting, allowing to obtain an immediate and firming effect. helping to eliminate wrinkles and expression lines. Not only that, cosmetic acupuncture could also be a valid ally for treating acne and rosacea, reducing swelling and draining lymphatic stagnation from bags under the eyes.

The benefits of facial acupuncture

The first advantage of cosmetic acupuncture is that of stimulate blood microcirculation, promote lymph drainage e.gstimulate collagen synthesis. The microtrauma created by the insertion of the needles triggers an immediate anti-inflammatory response, encouraging the production of collagen.

(Credits: Instagram @gwynethpaltrow)

Applying micro needles to the skin of the face also allows you to release some tension in the facial muscles, immediately relaxing and giving the face a smoother appearance. What can therefore be observed is an overall improvement in the health of the dermis, right from the first session.

Who is facial acupuncture recommended for?

Suitable for all skin types and all ages, Cosmetic acupuncture is a holistic alternative to achieve a facelift-like effect without the slightest invasiveness.

No, at the same time as the actual filler, the two treatments could conflict with each other, which is why it is recommended wait at least a couple of weeks before running aculifting or cosmetic acupuncture. It is always advisable to ask your doctor for advice, as the treatment may not be recommended, for example, in the case of therapies with anticoagulants.

What to pay attention to

At the end of the session (which generally lasts between 45 and 60 minutes) it could show a slight redness and some small bleeding. Of course, these are short-term side effects due to the insertion of the needles and will resolve spontaneously.

However, it is good to specify that Facial acupuncture does not inhibit facial muscles like Botox. The face will appear more lifted after the treatment, wrinkles will be smoothed out and you will notice an improvement in skin tone and brightness.

