Cortez Masto’s victory in Nevada will allow Democrats to maintain control of the Senate

11/13/2022 at 04:31


The second electoral round on December 6 will only decide if the Democrats extend their advantage

Democrats will retain control of the Senate after Catherine Cortez Masto was declared the winner in Nevada this Saturday, against Republican Adam Laxalt, so the second round on December 6 in Georgia, it will only decide whether the Democratic formation widens its advantage, once its majority is secured.

The canvass of the state of Nevada has ended after several days in which it has been carried out andThe recount of the vote by mail that has ended up favoring Cortez Masto and granting him victory, after gathering 48 percent of the votes, according to ‘Politico’.

Instead, the triumph of the party of the American president, Joe Bidenhas not been total in the state of Nevada as Republican candidate Joe Lombardo took over the governorship after unseating Democrat Steve Sisolak.

Masto’s victory follows that of Mark Kelly, who took the seat after a long contest in the state of Arizona, which left the Democratic party just one seat away from retaining control of the upper housean advantage that was confirmed this Saturday with the victory in Nevada.

Nevertheless, in Arizona the dispute has not yet been closed between the two gubernatorial hopefuls, Republican Kari Lake and Democrat Katie Hobbs.
