CORRECTION/POLITICS: Report: More than 500 dead since protests began in Iran

(It was clarified in the first paragraph that the number 527 refers solely to the number of participants killed in protests. According to this information, there are also 70 killed security forces.)

TEHRAN (dpa-AFX) – According to human rights activists, at least 527 people have been killed in protests in Iran since the system-critical rallies began more than four months ago. Among them were 71 minors, according to a report by the US-based Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) on Sunday. In addition, 70 members of the police and other security agencies were killed. The organization put the number of arrests at almost 20,000. More than a hundred arrestees face a death sentence. Several demonstrators have already been executed.

The protests in the Islamic Republic began in mid-September. The trigger was the death of 22-year-old Iranian Kurd Mahsa Amini. The moral police had arrested her because she allegedly did not comply with the mandatory rules for wearing a headscarf. The woman died in police custody on September 16. Since then there have been demonstrations against the government’s repressive course and the Islamic system of rule.

According to the report, there were protests in more than 160 cities beyond the capital Tehran. The Iranian government or the authorities have not yet provided any information on the total number of deaths and arrests. According to the latest statistics, Iran has around 88 million inhabitants./yyzz/DP/stw
