Coronavirus today, in Italy today 141,262 new cases and 111 victims. 13.4% positivity rate

Calabria, contagions in decline (+1.230) and twelve deaths

Twelve deaths – five of which were reported today but occurred between Christmas and December 30 – and 1,230 infections (yesterday they had reached the record figure of 2,053), compared to 13,340 swabs performed and a positivity rate that falls from 11.89 at 9.22%. The number of cases found in Calabria in the last 24 hours is decreasing but always on high values. The figure for intensive care was stable for the third consecutive day, 28 while the number of people admitted to ordinary wards decreased by four. The victims since the beginning of the pandemic are 1,625. The currently positive 17,026 increased by 825, as did 16,690 (+829) home isolates. There are also 393 healed, in total 94,325. In Calabria, to date the total of swabs performed is equal to 1,678,388 and the people tested positive for Coronavirus are 112,976.

Friuli Venezia Giulia: 2,331 new infections and 12 deaths

Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia 1,825 new infections have been detected on 9,401 molecular swabs, with a positive percentage of 19.41%. Furthermore, 17,561 rapid antigenic tests have been carried out, from which 506 cases (2.88%) were detected. Today the deaths of 12 people are recorded: The people hospitalized in intensive care remain 28 and the patients hospitalized in other departments drop to 275. Since the beginning of the pandemic in Friuli Venezia Giulia, a total of 158,419 people have been positive. The first age group for what concerns today’s infections is 20-29 (20.46%), followed by 0-19 (17.20), 30-39 (15.57), 50-59 (15.19%) and finally from 40-49 (15.06%).


Cases currently positive, cured, deaths and total cases from first detection to date. New cases day by day

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Piedmont: 9 deaths and 7,450 new infections, +20 hospitalizations

The Crisis Unit of the Piedmont Region has communicated 7,450 new cases of people who tested positive for Covid-19 (of which 5,568 after antigen tests), equal to 12.7% of 58,437 swabs performed, of which 45,399 antigenic. Of the 7,450 new cases, the asymptomatic are 5,537 (74.3%). There are 5,409 screening cases, 1,564 case contacts, 477 with ongoing investigation. Non-intensive care patients are 1,242 (+19 compared to yesterday). There are 108 hospitalized in intensive care (+1 compared to yesterday). There are 77,190 people in home isolation. The diagnostic swabs processed so far are 11,830,058 (+58,437 compared to yesterday), of which 2,745,974 were negative. There are 9 deaths of people positive to the Covid-19 test, one today, reported by the Crisis Unit of the Piedmont Region. The total therefore becomes 12,059 deaths who tested positive for the virus, the healed patients became a total of 415,648 (+1719 compared to yesterday).

Lazio: boom infections with 12,345 new cases and 6 victims

“Today in Lazio out of 33,300 molecular swabs and 80,138 antigenic swabs for a total of 113,438 swabs, there are 12,345 new positive cases (+3,868), 6 deaths (-4), 1,154 hospitalized (-8), 153 therapies intensive (-1) and +979 i healed. the ratio of positives to swabs is 10.8%. The cases in Rome city are at 6,752 “. This was announced in a note by the Councilor for Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato. “From Monday we will go to the yellow zone, pay attention to respect for the rules” he underlines. As regards the vaccination campaign, yesterday 36,000 vaccines were administered and the administrations did not stop even during the night. Exceeded 11 million total vaccine administrations and 2 million booster doses equal to 42% of the population. There are over 37,000 pediatric vaccine administrations equal to 10% of the 5-11 year old group ‘.

Campania: contagion rate, victims and hospitalizations increase

Covid situation worsening in Campania. Today’s positives are 13,888 out of a total of 132,821 tests carried out: a rate of 10.45% compared to yesterday’s 9.93. The number of people admitted to intensive care increased from 48 to 55 while the number of hospitalized beds is 686 compared to 675 yesterday. Another 4 deaths: three in the last 48 hours and one earlier but recorded today.


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