Coronavirus, today 219,441 new cases and 198 deaths. Positive 19.28%


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Today the new infected, communicated in the daily bulletin issued by the Ministry of Health, were 219,441, an increase compared to the 189,109 of yesterday 5 January. The victims were 198 (231 yesterday), for a total of 138,474 since the beginning of the pandemic. The number of swabs processed was 1,138,310 (yesterday 1,094,255), so the positivity rate stood at 19.28%, up from 17.28% yesterday. The patients admitted to intensive care are 1,467 (39 more than yesterday), with 177 admissions on the day (yesterday 132), while the hospitalized with symptoms are 13,827, 463 more than yesterday.

There are 1,578,285 people in home isolation (yesterday 1,406,325). The total of the currently positive is 1,593,579, also up compared to yesterday’s 1,421,117. However, the number of people discharged or healed within 24 hours is also growing: 46,770 compared to 33,037 yesterday, for a total of 5,243,412 since the beginning of the pandemic. Finally, the total cases diagnosed to date are 6,975,465.

In the regions

Even today the region with the largest number of new infected is by far Lombardy (52,693). Following, in the table provided by the Ministry of Health and Civil Protection, Emilia-Romagna (38,528), with a clarification, however, which explains the discrepancy with respect to the data communicated by the Region (read below, ed): “Following the IT adaptation for a more timely reporting of cases, in relation to the cases declared today, 33,777 are cases diagnosed since December 31, 2021, the remaining cases, 4,751, have a previous diagnosis”. Immediately after, Veneto (18,129), Tuscany (17,286), Campania (16,512), Sicily (14,269), Piedmont (14,103) and Lazio (14,055). With less than a thousand new infections, only Valle d’Aosta (551) and Molise (307).

New peak in Emilia-Romagna, 18,413 infections, 24 deaths

New peak of infections from Covid in Emilia-Romagna: there are 18,413 – 672,222 since the beginning of the epidemic – the cases of coronavirus positivity registered in the area in the last twenty-four hours compared to 62,472 swabs performed. Down by one unit, at 140 patients hospitalized in intensive care – 109, equal to 77.9% are not vaccinated and 31, instead, vaccinated with full cycle – while the patients hospitalized in other Covid wards, are 1,744, 122 more than yesterday. In the data communicated today to the Ministry of Health, the 18,413 new cases were added to another 20,115 cases of positivity found between 27 December 2021 and 3 January of this year and recovered following the adaptation of the information systems for recording infections to new national indications. Based on the overall figure, active cases, i.e. the actual patients, reach 156,788 (+34,968, considering the recovered cases): of these, 154,904 (+34,847, considering the recovered cases) are those in isolation at home, with symptoms mild or symptom-free, equal to 98.8% of the total active cases. Since yesterday there have also been 24 deaths: two in the province of Parma, two in that of Reggio Emilia, three in the province of Modena, seven in the province of Bologna, four in the province of Ravenna, three in the province of Forlì-Cesena and three in the province of Rimini. In total, there have been 14,320 deaths in the region since the start of the epidemic.

4,808 new positives and one death in Abruzzo

Another death and unfortunately the death toll from the coronavirus in the last hours in Abruzzo rises to 2,655. He is an 86 year old from the province of L’Aquila. 144 are cured and 4,808 (from 3 months and 99 years of age) the new Covid-19 positives in the region today. Of these, 3,670 infections emerged from antigen tests. The number of beds occupied in the Covid medical areas is 248, 20 more since yesterday; there are 24 hospitalized patients in intensive care, the same figure as yesterday. Over 30 thousand rapid tests have been performed since yesterday and 6,519 molecular ones. The toll of infections, since the emergency has been underway, has risen to 128,900. The figure also includes 88,268 discharged and healed since the beginning of the pandemic. 3,670 positives were identified through a rapid antigen test.


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