Coronavirus, today 189,109 new cases and 231 deaths. Positivity 17.28%

In Campania, there is an increase in admissions to intensive care

In Campania, the contagion index is increasing and hospitalizations in intensive care are also increasing. According to the Bulletin of the Crisis Unit of the Campania Region, in the last 24 hours there are 16,972 positive cases at Covid out of 117,278. If yesterday the contagion index was equal to 10.21%, today it slips to 14.47%. 11 deaths in the last 48 hours; 15 previously deceased – between 8 December 2021 and 2 January 2022 -; but register yesterday. In intensive care the number of beds in intensive care rises to 65 (+8 compared to yesterday). There is also an increase in hospitalizations with 813 beds occupied (+32 compared to yesterday).


Cases currently positive, cured, deaths and total cases from first detection to date. New cases day by day

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Marche, 5 deaths in 24 hours, + 8 hospitalizations (296)

In the last 24 hours, 5 deaths were recorded in the Marche, all with previous pathologies: it is a 91-year-old man from Civitanova Marche, a 90-year-old woman from Corridonia, a 77-year-old man from Jesi, a 77-year-old man from Senigallia and a 93-year-old woman from Castelfidardo. The number of hospitalized in Marche hospitals also rises, equal to 296 (+8): of these, 52 patients are in intensive care, 57 in semi-intensive areas, 187 in non-intensive wards, 137 are guests of local structures and 55 patients in the emergency room. This can be learned from the bulletin of the regional health service.

13,671 new cases in Emilia-Romagna, hospitalizations increase

Since the beginning of the epidemic caused by Covid-19, 588,695 positive cases have been recorded in Emilia-Romagna, 13,671 more than yesterday, of which 7,585 are asymptomatic, out of a total of 62,550 swabs performed in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives on the number of tests carried out is therefore 21.8%. The average age of new positives today is 38.1 years. Bologna is the city with the most infections, with 2,256 new cases, and is followed by Rimini, with 2,199, Parma, with 1,735, Ravenna, 1,682, Modena, 1,249, Cesena, with 1,237, Ferrara, with 881, Reggio Emilia, with 814 , Forlì, with 653, the Imola district, with 637, and Piacenza, with 328. Patients currently hospitalized in intensive care in the Emilia-Romagna area are 141 (+6 compared to yesterday) and the average age is 62.2 years. Of the total, 103 (therefore 73%) are not vaccinated (zero doses received, average age 60.2 years), while 38 are vaccinated with a full cycle (average age 67.1 years). The patients admitted to the other Covid departments are 1,622 (+43 in the last 24 hours) and their average age is 69.1 years.

In Puglia 5,514 new cases (7.75% tests), zero deaths

Today in Puglia there are 5,514 new cases, 7.75% of the 71,121 tests performed (yesterday the positivity rate was 3.9%). There are no deaths. To date, there are 41,162 positive people in Puglia, 364 are hospitalized in a non-critical area and 38 in intensive care. In 24 hours, therefore, there were 30 admissions to the medical area and two to resuscitation. The new positives identified today are distributed as follows: in the province of Bari 1,850, in the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani 535, in the province of Brindisi 564, in that of Foggia 554, in the province of Lecce 933, in the province of Taranto 949. There are 103 contagions between residents outside the region while for another 26 the province they belong to is being defined.


The number of daily hospitalizations, those in intensive care, people in home isolation and the daily percentage growth.

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In Umbria more than 30,000 currently positive

Umbria exceeds the 30,000 currently positive for Covid, 30,584 as of January 5, 2,768 more, with the record of new cases in the last day, 3,967. This was reported by the Region’s website which also indicates two other deaths from the virus, 1,514 in all. The number of hospitalized patients is also increasing, 196, nine more, 11 of which, plus one, in intensive care. The healed were 1,197. 5,545 swabs and 14,570 antigen tests were analyzed, with a positive rate of the total jumping to 19.7 percent.


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