Corona vaccine Novavax available in the Netherlands from 14 March | news item

News item | 11-03-2022 | 09:30

From March 14, people who want to can get a Novavax vaccine at the GGD. This was announced today by Minister Ernst Kuipers of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS). Two shots of the Novavax vaccine are needed for good protection. There must be at least 3 weeks between the first and second injection. The vaccine is available at a number of central GGD vaccination locations. As of today, you can call the GGD for a vaccination appointment.

According to the Health Council, the Novavax vaccine is an alternative for people who do not want an mRNA vaccine (BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna) or a vector vaccine (Janssen). The vaccine protects against disease in 60-90% of cases. No data is yet available on protection against the delta and omikron variant of the coronavirus. Because it is preferable to vaccinate with an mRNA vaccine, Novavax is available on the basis of ‘Informed consent’. When making the vaccination appointment, the GGD employee asks whether there has been a well-considered choice.

The government is making this protein vaccine available to people aged 18 and older who have not yet been vaccinated because until now only mRNA or vector vaccines were available. The vaccine is not currently available as a booster.

People who want to be vaccinated with the Novavax vaccine can call the GGD from today on the special number 0800-0174.
