Corona update: Clubs will open again soon

Back to live: The corona restrictions in Germany are to be gradually relaxed by March 20th. In the course of this, clubs are allowed to reopen under 2G Plus conditions.

“By the beginning of spring on March 20, 2022, the far-reaching restrictions on social, cultural and economic life are to be gradually lifted,” says a statement by the federal government.

The relaxation will take place in three steps

Initially, private gatherings of vaccinated and recovered people will be made possible in larger groups. The previous maximum number of ten participants is expected to be increased to twenty. The final number will be announced later. At the same time, the 2G rule in retail is also to be abolished. For unvaccinated people, however, the contact restrictions should apply until March 19th.

New regulations for gastronomy and nightlife are to follow from March 4th. From now on, the 3G rule will apply to gastronomy, as well as to overnight stays. In discotheques and clubs, the 2G Plus rule is once again applied. Accordingly, those who have recovered and those who have been vaccinated twice also need a test or a booster vaccination. In addition, the capacity limit for major national events will be expanded.

In a third and final step, all other major measures are to be dropped, including the mandatory home office rule. Meanwhile, low-threshold protective measures will be maintained, including the obligation to wear masks indoors and on public transport. With regard to the upcoming easing, the importance of personal responsibility was also pointed out, for example in testing or hygiene measures.


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