Corona outbreak on “Mein Schiff 5” – vacationers in quarantine

A corona outbreak has occurred on board the cruise giant “Mein Schiff 5”. As the Tui Cruises shipping company confirmed, passengers were quarantined in a hotel in Mallorca last Sunday. The company did not give exact figures.

According to the “Mallorca Zeitung” on Wednesday, around 60 mostly German vacationers were affected at times. The almost 300 meter long ship is approved for more than 2500 passengers.

The cruise ship left Palma for a round trip in the Mediterranean via Marseille, Barcelona, ​​Alicante and Cartagena and arrived in Mallorca on Sunday. According to Tui, the corona outbreak was an isolated case.

Since Monday, all passengers under the age of 60 who do not belong to a risk group have been allowed to leave the quarantine. Since then, younger infected people who do not develop severe symptoms of the disease no longer have to isolate themselves in Spain.

“Mein Schiff 5” meanwhile continued the journey and was in the port of the southern Italian city of Salerno near Naples, as can be seen on the Internet portal MarineTraffic for ship movements in real time.
