Corona: number of hospital admissions is rising slightly

Corona: number of hospital admissions increases slightly

A total of 2,010 people with the coronavirus are currently in hospital, 192 of which require intensive care. On March 9, 85 patients required respiratory support and 12 patients were on the heart-lung machine. The reproduction number based on the number of hospital admissions for Belgium is 1.01, which means that the epidemic is gaining strength slightly.

Between February 28 and March 6, an average of 6,357 new infections were detected daily. That is 1 percent less than in the seven days before. Fewer tests were also taken, namely an average of about 32,583 per day (-13 percent). The positivity rate was 21.6 percent.

In the same period, an average of 16.7 people died every day from the consequences of a corona infection, a decrease of 28 percent. Since the start of the pandemic two years ago, about 30,350 people have succumbed to the effects of the virus in our country.

In our country, 89 percent of adults have now been fully vaccinated, 75 percent have already received a booster.
