Corona news: significant increase in the number of infections expected in one week

Significantly more infections were detected in the past week than in the week before. It will become clear on Tuesday how many new cases are involved. Then the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) comes with its weekly overview.

In the parts of the country where many people celebrate carnival, a few major fires have now arisen, such as Den Bosch. RIVM registered more than 373,000 new cases in the past six days, an average of more than 62,000 per day. The weekly figure could therefore come out at 430,000 to 450,000. That would be an increase of 75 to 80 percent from last week.

The institute also reports on Tuesday how many people with corona have ended up in hospital among its members and how many deaths have been registered at the hands of the virus. Last week there were 998 new admissions, of which 88 in intensive care units and 63 deaths.

ALSO READ: Corona hits hard after carnival: 1 in 18 tests positive in Den Bosch
