Corona: more than 6,000 corona infections per day

Corona: more than 6,000 corona infections per day

The number of deaths even increased by 45 percent in the same period. On average, 8.7 corona patients die per day in Belgium.

The number of hospital admissions also continues to increase, but the increase is less sharp. Over the past seven days, an average of 138.7 people a day have been hospitalized with the corona virus. Compared to the previous week, this is an increase of 27 percent. In total, there are now 1,660 corona patients in Belgian hospitals (+23 percent).

The number of patients in intensive care has increased by 19 percent to 87. The reproduction number, which represents the speed at which the virus spreads, rises to 1.18. If the number is higher than 1, it means that the pandemic is fueling.
