Corona infections halved, decrease in hospitals seems to have started

The number of corona infections in our province has halved last week. The hospitals in Brabant also seem to have left the peak behind. This is evident from figures from RIVM and ROAZ.

After last week’s 75,556 positive tests, RIVM now reports 37,502 corona infections in our province. A decrease can also be seen throughout the Netherlands, although it is less significant than in Brabant. Across the country, the number of corona cases has fallen from 429,252 to 313,318.

The hospitals in Brabant also seem to have left the corona peak behind. There are now 332 people with corona, slightly less than the 338 from seven days ago. In the previous weeks, bed occupancy by corona patients rose sharply. 29 corona patients are now in intensive care.

From Wednesday, even more corona measures will be released, such as the mouth cap in public transport and the advice to work from home. Corona tickets for events with more than 500 visitors also go into the fridge.

However, the basic advice remains, such as washing hands regularly, keeping a distance where possible and ventilating well. The quarantine and isolation measures also still apply after a positive corona test.

ALSO READ: Carnival peak is over: much less corona infections
